epub |eng | | Author:unknow

From our analysis it is quite evident that in the presence of ex post dual-sided asymmetry when parties employ a fixed price contract, none of the expectation measures awarded by ...
( Category: Research August 15,2023 )
pdf | | 2010-11-10 | Author:Tim Swartz [Swartz, Tim]

( Category: Research July 31,2023 )
epub |eng | 2021-07-31 | Author:Zaumanis, Martins [Zaumanis, Martins]

Another often-used solution for overly long category names is to reduce the font size. Be careful with this since figures should be easily legible without needing to have a magnifying ...
( Category: Research July 14,2023 )
pdf | | | Author:user

( Category: Research June 18,2023 )
epub |eng | 2016-08-30 | Author:Brooke Borel [Borel, Brooke]

Plagiarism and Fabrication Plagiarism can be hard to catch on your own, but as you read a piece, along with its source materials, keep an eye out for language that ...
( Category: Research June 13,2023 )
epub |eng | 2023-05-23 | Author:Brooke Borel; [Borel, Brooke]

Five ||| Sourcing Fact-checking doesn’t mean much if you aren’t checking a story against solid sources. If you’re fact-checking someone else’s work, the writer will ideally, though relatively rarely, provide ...
( Category: Research June 9,2023 )
pdf | | 0101-01-01 | Author:M34

( Category: Research May 9,2023 )
pdf | | | Author:Unknown

( Category: Research May 5,2023 )